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  • Writer's pictureNew Moon Tarot

August 2023 New Moon In Leo

Hi Everyone, as we step into the vibrant month of August 2023, the cosmic energies align to bring forth a powerful celestial event - the New Moon in Leo.

This fiery and dynamic lunar phase invites us to embrace our inner passions, express ourselves authentically, and ignite the spark of creativity within. Just as the lion, the symbol of Leo, radiates confidence and charisma, this New Moon encourages us to shine brightly and take bold steps toward our desires. Let's explore how this astrological event can impact our lives and how we can make the most of its energy. The New Moon in Leo: Scheduled to grace the night sky on 16th August, the New Moon in Leo marks the beginning of a fresh lunar cycle. Leo, a fire sign ruled by the Sun, exudes qualities of courage, self-expression, and leadership. During this phase, the Moon and the Sun align in the same sign, intensifying Leo's qualities and inspiring us to connect with our passions, individuality, and

  1. Self-Expression and Authenticity: The confident and expressive nature of Leo encourages us to embrace our true selves. This New Moon urges us to let go of inhibitions, speak our minds, and showcase our talents without fear of judgment.

  2. Creativity and Passion: Leo's fiery energy ignites our creative spark and infuses passion into our endeavors. It's a time to explore new artistic pursuits, hobbies, or projects that resonate with our deepest desires.

  3. Confidence and Courage: Channeling the bold spirit of Leo, this lunar phase supports us in stepping outside our comfort zones. Whether it's pursuing a new opportunity or sharing our ideas, self-assurance will be our guiding force.

  4. Leadership and Influence: Just as the lion leads its pride, this New Moon encourages us to take the lead in our lives. It's an opportune time to inspire and influence others positively through our actions and words.

  5. Romance and Relationships: Leo's passionate nature extends to our relationships. This phase can bring a surge of romantic energy, encouraging us to express our affections and deepen our connections.

Harnessing the Energy:

  1. Set Intentions: Write down your intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. Focus on areas such as self-expression, creativity, and confidence. Visualize these intentions manifesting in your life and make your list to the Universe.

  2. Creative Exploration: Engage in activities that bring out your creativity, whether it's painting, writing, dancing, or crafting. Let your inner artist flourish.

  3. Self-Care and Pampering: Treat yourself like royalty. Practice self-care rituals that make you feel confident and radiant, whether it's a spa day, a new haircut, or simply dressing up in a way that makes you feel empowered.

  4. Speak Your Truth: Express your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly. Whether it's a heartfelt conversation or sharing your ideas with the world, let your voice be heard, be bold.

  5. Step into Leadership: Take the lead in a project, group, or situation. Your confidence and enthusiasm will inspire others to follow your example.

As the New Moon in Leo graces the skies in August 2023, embrace the potent energies it brings. This is your opportunity to shine brightly, and ignite your inner fire. By aligning with the confident and creative essence of Leo, you can set the stage for a month of self-discovery, passion-driven pursuits, and bold steps toward your aspirations. Let this celestial event remind you that, just like the mighty lion, you possess the power to lead and inspire, and the world is ready to witness your brilliance. Lots of love and light

Starry wishes

Ceris xxx

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