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Beltane: Celebrating the Arrival of Summer

Hi Everyone,

Beltane, also known as May Day, is a festival that celebrates the arrival of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a time when the earth is alive with growth and new beginnings, and we celebrate the fertility and abundance of the natural world.

Traditionally, Beltane was a time when people would light bonfires and dance around the Maypole, which represented the phallic symbol of the god, and the ribbons that were woven around it symbolized the goddess. It was a time of courtship, and couples would often jump over the bonfire together to symbolize their union.

Today, Beltane is celebrated by neo-pagans and Wiccans as a time of fertility and creativity. It is a time to plant seeds both literally and metaphorically, and to celebrate the abundance of the earth. Some common Beltane rituals include creating a flower crown or wreath, dancing around a Maypole, or lighting a bonfire.

One of the most important aspects of Beltane is the concept of balance. It is a time when the masculine and feminine energies are in harmony, and we celebrate the balance between light and dark, life and death, and the inner and outer worlds. It is a time to honor the sacred feminine and masculine energies within ourselves and in the world around us.

Beltane is a beautiful and powerful time of year, and it offers us the opportunity to connect with the natural world and celebrate the cycles of life and death. Whether you celebrate with a group or on your own, take some time to honor the arrival of summer and the beauty of the earth.

Starry wishes xxx Ceris


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