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  • Writer's pictureNew Moon Tarot

Embracing the Energies of the Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius

Hi Everyone, As the evening approaches, we are graced with the captivating presence of the full moon in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. Full moons are potent celestial events that have captivated human beings for centuries, with each full moon offering its unique energy and influence. In my blog, we will explore the profound significance of the full moon in Sagittarius, its astrological qualities, and how we can harness its energies to enhance our lives.

  1. Understanding Sagittarius: Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac, is associated with adventure, exploration, and expansion. Ruled by the expansive planet Jupiter, Sagittarius embodies optimism, curiosity, and a hunger for knowledge. This fire sign encourages us to embrace our freedom, seek new experiences, and broaden our horizons.

  2. The Power of the Full Moon: Full moons are often regarded as times of heightened energy and intensity. They symbolize the culmination of intentions set during the previous lunar cycle, amplifying our emotions and illuminating areas of our lives that require attention. Full moons also serve as opportune moments for reflection, release, and manifestation.

  3. Embracing the Energies: The full moon in Sagittarius invites us to tap into its transformative energies and embrace the following:

  • Expansion and Growth: Sagittarius encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and pursue personal growth. Use this time to identify areas of your life that need expansion and set intentions to nurture your personal and spiritual development.

  • Seek Truth and Wisdom: Under the influence of Sagittarius, the full moon inspires us to explore the depths of our beliefs, seek higher truths, and expand our intellectual horizons. Engage in activities such as reading, learning, or engaging in philosophical discussions to stimulate your mind.

  • Embrace Adventure: Sagittarius loves adventure and taking risks. Use this energy to embrace new experiences, whether it's trying a new hobby, embarking on a journey, or pushing past self-imposed limitations. The full moon in Sagittarius encourages us to be bold and courageous.

  1. Rituals and Practices: To harness the energies of the full moon in Sagittarius, consider incorporating the following rituals into your evening:

  • Journaling and Reflection: Set aside time for introspection and reflect on your personal growth and the lessons you've learned recently. Write down your aspirations, dreams, and intentions for expansion.

  • Meditation and Visualization: Find a quiet space, light a candle, and practice meditation. Envision yourself embracing new experiences, expanding your horizons, and manifesting your desires.

  • Release Ceremony: Write down any limiting beliefs or patterns that are holding you back. Burn the paper as a symbolic gesture of releasing these obstacles and making space for growth and adventure.

Conclusion: The full moon in Sagittarius gifts us with its expansive energy and a sense of adventure. By harnessing its potent vibrations, we can tap into our true potential, seek wisdom, and embark on transformative journeys. Embrace the essence of Sagittarius and allow the full moon to guide you towards personal growth, exploration, and the pursuit of your passions. May this evening's celestial spectacle inspire you to embrace the magic that lies within and around you.

Bright Blessings to you all,

Ceris xxxxx

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