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  • Writer's pictureNew Moon Tarot

Welcome to 2024

Hi Everyone Welcome to 2024!

I hope all went well for you all in 2023.

What does the New Year hold in store for you, would you like to find out? A lovely and detailed reading for the New Year is the 4 Seasons future cards.

12 tarot cards are drawn for each month. January through to December, it gives a great insight into the highs and gives inspiration for decisions of how your year will go, also you can have an In-depth Reading which is hugely popular with everyone, so in 2024 I am so looking forward to seeing you all in Riverside Business Park. I wish you all Love, Happiness, Prosperity and Peace, lets see what this year brings.

Starry wishes

Ceris xxx

For the 4 Seasons reading please go Here and for the In-Depth reading go Here

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